Early Childhood Treatment

Happy children Straight Teeth Point Cook Wyndham Orthodontics Point Cook

Some children with certain orthodontic problems may benefit from early orthodontic treatment.  We recommend that you bring your child in for their first orthodontic assessment at 8 years of age, so that any developing problems can be identified early and managed appropriately.

The goal of any early orthodontic treatment is to prevent and intercept more serious orthodontic problems from developing and to make any treatment at a later stage quicker and less complicated

Listed below are some signs that your child may benefit from early treatment:

  • Early, late or irregular loss of baby teeth
  • Crowded, crooked or misplaced teeth
  • Protrusive upper or lower teeth (underbite or overbite)
  • Jaws that are out of proportion to the rest of the face
  • Thumb sucking beyond the age of 5 years

Follow the link below for an article about:

Common Signs that Your Child Requires Orthodontic Treatment

fix buck teeth protrusive teeth crooked teeth orthodontic treatment for kids Point Cook Truganina Western suburbs

Early treatment will give us a chance to:

  • Guide the growth of the jaws
  • Lower the risk of trauma to protrusive front teeth
  • Correct harmful oral habits
  • Guide permanent teeth to erupt into a more favourable position
  • Improve the alignment of the teeth

If you think your child may benefit from early treatment, please contact us on 0484 041 662  to book an appointment.

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