Teenage Orthodontic Treatment

Most orthodontic treatment is best started when a child is about 11-12 years old.  In most children, this often co-incides with the loss of the last few remaining baby teeth. 

The advantage of having orthodontic treatment as a teenager is that there is considerable growth remaining, which often helps with treatment.  Added to this fact, treatment at this stage is often simpler, more comfortable and more socially acceptable, making it a great time to start treatment.

Metal braces tend to be the most common treatment used for straightening the teeth in teens, as patients around this age tend to enjoy customising their braces with different colours.  However, we do have different options for teens seeking more aesthetic options, such as clear braces and Invisalign.

Please contact us on 0484 041 662  to book an appointment for an orthodontic assessment and to discuss your child’s orthodontic needs.

happy teenagers straight teeth teen orthodontics point cook
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